Panama Mangroves

Welcome! I (Dr. Maggie Toscano, Geologist) am about to embark on a field excursion to the Bocas del Toro province of Panama with several scientists interested in the mangrove environment and how it functions.

We will be investigating how mangroves grow and develop in the presence or absence of certain key nutrients, how mangrove crabs and other species use the mangrove trees, roots, and the peat they form as their habitat, and how mangroves respond to sea-level and climate changes over long periods of time (thousands of years).

We will be staying at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Bocas del Toro. Stay tuned for news, science and photos over the next two weeks!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More STRI photos

STRI Lab looking down the ramp towards the water.

Baby Croc in the lab pond (about 3-4 ft long).
Our house, Casa Cofrin.

Ginger flowers.


Lab Building.

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